Monday, May 5, 2008


Hello again.

Yesterday - Sunday - we arrived in beautiful Vancouver. The mountains are still snow-capped with everything looking lush and springy!

The drive in from the airport, through the suburbs, gives you a feel for the place. Heaps of construction underway as they prepare the city for the 2010 Winter Olympics. The underground rail will then take you from the Airport to Downtown.

Five minutes after we arrived at the Hotel 30 of us headed to the Dr Sen Yat-Sun Classical Chinese Gardens. A lovely tranquil spot after the hum of the plane. Richard our guide was very entertaining as he told the philosophy that encompasses Chinese buildings and life.

The best of the cherry blossoms have gone, but the magnolia and azalea are fabulous.

Today 15 of the group are on tour to the Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island. They will be gone all day. Another small group will go to Grouse Mountain and the Capillano Suspension Bridge (not for me).

The rest of us are hitting the shops.

Till next time,


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