Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tired now!

What have we done today. Well, I told you this morning about going to a quilt store, well, we went to 2. First up this morning we went to Northern Threads. Absolutely fabulous and voted best of tour by many.

A quick visit to the Post Office by several people to send parcels home (isn't that cheating?), then it was on to see the Alaskan Oil Pipeline. Very interesting for a big grey (48" in diametre) round thing. Stretches something like 800 miles.

Across the road was an iceberg. We have the pics to prove it! Seems the lunatic that lives there had a long stand pipe installed and every few days he just turned it on until he ended up with an 'iceberg' that was over 50' tall. (Only in America)

A short bus journey to Chatanika Lodge. You would not believe this place. About 30 mins form anything there is this big complex festoon with Harley Davidson flags and fairy lights. It has a bar, restaurant and accommodation - and fairy lights. In fact, it has fairy lights everywhere! By the squillion! They are on the rafters, around the poles that hold up the ceiling, around the door frames.... you get the idea.

Then there's the dollar bills. They are written on and the staples to the rafters, walls, doors etc, etc, etc. There's thought to be over $30,000 worth. Ours is inside the door on the left just as you turn to go to the counter.

THEN there's the Ladies Room!!!!! Well, it's a double bowl booth, with swing doors and wait til you see the light switch cover. AMAZING! Especially with the shadow from the light!

Food and company were wonderful. Colleen had invited Tom who works for the Courts system and travels from about the Arctic Circle up, looking after villages and settlements. Very intersting man and culture.

After lunch we were invited to Margaret Wiedman's house. Margaret is a quilting friend of Colleen's. Her home is a log cabin in the woods. Fab.

Back into town for the last quilt store for the day. Phew!

Early night tonight (yeah right). Sue and I had dinner at a wonderful Italian restaurant.

time for a bath, wine & bed.

Till tomorrow.


Andrea H said...

Hi Jenny! Sounds like you are all having such a wonderful experience. When you are with someone who lives there you certainly get to see the 'real world'. Are you one of the ones who has sent stuff home??!!! Just had a lovely massage and (after numerous glasses of water) am having a quiet wine. All is well here. Hope you have a great time in Anchorage before you fly home. Has your holiday gone as quickly for you as it has for us??

Love Andrea and Roger (who plans to cook you a great meal on your return!)

Bronie in Melbourne said...

Hi Mum (Robin C), Your amazing trip is coming to an end, it has been great following it on Leslie's blogs and your postcards. Got your Ketchikan postcard today, shame you didn't get to kayak. Hopefully the bike ride to the brewery more than makes for it. I rang Bill this afternoon to see how he is going, he is fine, had just eaten dinner & was about to have apple pie. Had a good chat & then I asked him if he had a message for you and I quote "Tell her I miss her body!!!". He knows that everyone can read this and was quite happy for me to post that. For anyone reading this who does not know my stepfather Bill, he has a wicked sense of humour. He also said that Marg had given him some meatballs for dinner, so he is definitely not starving. We are all well, it has been really cold, down to 2 degrees, which you will probably laugh at given the temps in Canada & Alaska! I wouldn't mind 2 degrees if we had some snow with it. I probably won't be able to post any more messages as you will all be on your way back home in a few days - safe travelling!
Love Bronie & boys. xxx

Bronie in Melbourne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bronie in Melbourne said...

In case you're wondering why I deleted the comment above, I managed to post the same comment twice, so deleted the duplicate.

ericawalpole said...

Thank you for organising the tour and coping with your quilters and blogging it all for us at home. Jill has admitted to being a case buyer, so I am reshelving the sewing room!
There is a throw-a-way box in place with my stuff going as an example?
Happy finish and Safe return.
Geoff in Papakowhai,Porirua, NZvgkaji

cliffb1 said...

The tour has only a couple of days to go and everyone of you must be getting quite tired and looking forward to heading home. Lesley has done a fantastic job and held everyone together - as far as I can tell she hasn't lost anyone. A group of 41 quilters must be very trying - I have to admit that one in the home can be a trial sometimes - but really I am looking forward to Pat's return on Tuesday morning.

I hope that Grannie has given Lesley the rest of the week off - she deserves it.

keryl said...

Hi Robin C I've been away at a Principals conference for the last 3 days and when Brianna picked up our mail and found the only interesting piece was a postcard from you Yay!! (Jasper) it reminded me to catch up on the blog. Wow I think I want to move to Alaska did you spot any interesting men (in trees or on the ground, don't care) for me? Hope this catches you before you leave. Think I will have to book a holiday with you up north this summer to sit and listen and see all your adventures. Sadly won't be up next weekend but will be thinking of you all at the celebrations.Love little sis.