Thursday, May 15, 2008

Juneau - State Capital

Juneau – State Capital.
8.12am and my breakfast tray has just been delivered. Life is getting tougher.
7 degrees, 3.7% air humidity, barometre steady, wind 4.7 kts, sea - smooth wavelets. Weather – light rain.
The rain has kept up all day, but I can’t say that it’s slowed anyone down. 10am meeting place in the Atrium, then off to Changing Tides quilt store. Jan the owner had a goodie bag for each of us and 10% discount. That means we could buy 10% more fabric!
Her store sells needlework, fabrics and gifts. Most of them have a flavour of Alaska about them. Next door was a yarn store. There are heaps of gifty stores in Juneau, but most of us were not keen due to the rain.
Back in board for lunch and time for the Float Plane ride. WRONG! Cancelled because of the rain. Just as well really, as the mist is really low.
Coffee, chat, let’s go shopping again. This time t-shirts and books. Met up with some of the others and here is what they have done;
Tramway (like a gondola up a hill); walk in the bush (yuk, cold & wet); tour of Juneau and shopping.
When we had our get-together at 4 today numbers were a little low, so folk must still be out looking, or resting up ready for the Master Chefs dinner tonight. Our table is booked for 7.45pm. There’s a live show tonight, I guess it’s like a cabaret.
At 10.30pm the stores are open (the on-board stores are always closed when we are in port), so we are having a $15 Madness. Goodness knows what that is, but I guess I’ll be able to tell you later.
We’ll wake up in Skagway tomorrow and at 8.15am several of us are going on the White Pass Rail adventure. It’s an old train that clatters along tracks of old. Sounds like fun, hope it’s not still raining.
More later……….
Well, just getting to dinner was an expedition last night. Got way-laid at the piano bar. There we had to participate in the Chicken Dance & the Macarena (in my case, unaided by alcohol) before being shown to our tables. Very, VERY funny!
Dinner was fab – as usual. Little mushroom brioche, duck a la orange, followed by white chocolate chef hats filled with chocolate moose (I know!).
The waiting staff, mostly young Indonesian men, were part of the show. Very funny as they were mostly really embarrassed about cavorting around waving entrées and salads. Lots of fun.
Then it was back to the piano bar to trip the light fantastic for an hour. On the way back to our rooms we spotted the comedy show and sat in on the end of that. A1.

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